Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New (old) Friends

Life is never this Rosy nor this beautiful. "Colors of this amazing world are truly seen only through a friend's eyes" - P.G.Wodehouse.

Orai guys - to start with - Raama, Gopa, NN, Phani, Satyam, Rambabu, Ramaiah, Murali, Rajesh, Gopal, Chanti, Saiappa, Venkatesh(though not in touch), PS(quite recently), Murty, Prasad(called once from Colombo), Bujji, Papay(Sudha), Kumar, Mohan - thanks a tonne. Thanks for nothing, but simply to have been in touch with each other and in touch with me after this long time of shedding away our shadows from Sea Sands. Thanks primarily to Raam for having sent that google earth link of Sa Sands on which I improved upon and added too, but bottom line, we are all in touch again - for ol' times sake.

Our careers have taken all of us to different shores, different places, different attitudes developing wihtin ourself, but never once have we lost that fervor of being a true Vizagite. "THREE CHEERS TO ALL U GUYS".

Most of us are married and kids happened - but look at us - trying to still flirt around with the fact of being childhood friends, WOW! I will drink to that. Not matter what, no matter what(I repeat) - we shall be together in thick n thin is what is proven through this amazing show of love and friendship towards each other - and all of this good work was possible for only those guys who brougth us up - our folks - let's celebrate their existence first of all - "WE LOVE YOU MOM & DAD", and thanks for having given us these valuable lessons of life, so early in life.

Never shall we forget, never can we forget the scent of your being in this world, at all - forever, forever and forever......


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